Open Farm Days

Second Annual Open Farm Days in July

Savor summer at the 2nd annual Open Farm Days on the SLO Co Farm Trail July 14-16, 2022.

Organizers promise one-of-a-kind tours, tastings and pop-ups that will offer “behind-the-barn access to the moo-vers and shakers of the San Luis Obispo agriCULTURAL scene.”

  • Friday – An Evening of agriCULTURE at Studio’s on the Park (Bobbi Stowers – Chair)
  • Saturday & Sunday – Open Farm Days (Jennifer Tallent Joseph & Lynette Co-Chair)
  • Saturday Eve – Table to Farm Dinner at Clearwater Color Nursery (Lynette: Chair)

Fundraising efforts will go to MUST! CharitiesThe Great AGventure, and FARMstead ED. You can learn more about the event and purchase tickets on the website here.

This fundraiser will specifically feed into local agricultural education programs such as The Great AGventure and will help grow programs at MUST! Charities who are building the infrastructure to help meet our community needs.