The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Photography by Lori Rice

For the storyteller

Korean American

By Eric Kim

Showcasing delectable Korean cuisine, Author Eric Kim includes short personal essays about each dish and how it reflects his culture and upbringing.


For the comfort food eater

Home is Where the Eggs Are

By Molly Yeh

These comforting recipes, which require minimal effort while satisfying all ages, are best enjoyed while wearing sweatpants and tending to children.


For the taco lover

Gracias Madre Cookbook

By Rachel Holtzman

Fresh, bright flavors of Mexico and Southern California are adapted for the plant-based home cook.


For the food activist

Arabiyya: Recipes from the Life of an Arab in Diaspora

By Reem Assil

A mix of passion, politics and personal experience is written from the perspective of an Arab woman who shares her Palestinian and Syrian roots through her recipes.


For the risk taker

The Cook You Want to Be

By Andy Baraghani

These multicultural, eclectic recipes show how to make social media spreads a reality and avoid having to slobber over images of fantastical food on Instagram.


For the practical cook

The Art of Pantry Cooking

By Ronda Carman

Every section includes a staple ingredient that can be used a number of different ways. Effective categorization of the pantry and organization of the refrigerator make mealtime a breeze.